Let’s make one thing clear: workplace safety is no laughing matter. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employers in the country reported 2.6 million injuries and illness cases in 2021. This means there are real consequences of workplaces ignoring procedures and precautions that save their workers from hazardous environments.


However, we have accumulated some fun safety facts that are not only informative but entertaining as well. Hopefully, these nuggets of information will help you understand the true importance of safety in workplaces. 


Let’s jump in. 

Safety Facts That Will Shock You


Did you know workplaces are often more dangerous than deep oceans? Here are some other ‘fun’ facts and some not-so-fun realities about the dangers many workers face every day.


  • Simple Safety Signs Reduce The Risk Of Accidents At Workplace By 80%

Safety signs are perhaps the most cost-effective investment when it comes to workplace safety. Simply putting up these signs across the workplace and construction sites reduces the risk of accidents by 80 percent. Turns out, human beings need to be reminded about the potential dangers they might be facing. Fascinating. 


  • Injuries In Workplaces Reduce by 18.5% After 10 Hours Of OSHA Training


In 2014, the University of Tennessee conducted an analysis of workplace injury and illness data to assess the impact of the OSHA 10-hour training course. The study found that after completing the training, the average injury and illness fell by 18.5%. Meanwhile, the total number of workdays lost due to workplace incidents declined by 25.6%. This came as a surprise to absolutely no one. 


  • You Are More Likely To Pass Away At Your Workplace Than In Deep Waters


In the United States, 13 workers die on their job every day. The fatalities include truck drivers, construction workers and those who work in the manufacturing industry. Compared to this, there are 11 deaths in the country per day related to drowning. So to make things clear: workplaces are often more dangerous than deep waters. 


  • In 1970, 38 Workers Lost Their Lives Every Day In Workplaces 


According to OSHA, 1970 wasn’t just the year where Simon and Garfunkel were releasing their big hits, it was also the year where a record number of people were losing their lives at their workplaces. One can guess bell bottom pants and mullets were more popular this year than hard hats, safety gloves and reflective clothing.


  • Workplace Injuries In The USA Cost More Than GDP of 143 Countries


In the United States, it is estimated that workplace injuries and illnesses cost $250 billion annually. To grasp the enormity of this figure, consider that there are 143 countries globally with GDPs lower than this staggering sum. This means that if we can reduce these accidents, we would have enough money to create a country from scratch. We can call it 'Safetyland,' where everyone is safe at their workplace.


  • 50 to 76 Percent Of Professional Musician Have Reported Serious Injuries


Being a musician is not as safe as you might have imagined. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics have reported that 50 to 76 percent of professional musicians have sustained musculoskeletal injuries. Turns out, overuse of limbs and consent to loud music can take a toll on a human body. So while the chances of an odd piano falling on you are minimal, musical instruments can be dangerous. 


  • It Can Take OSHA 323 Years To Guarantee A Safe Work Environment In Arkansas


Fun safety fact: OSHA had one inspector for every 83,207 employees in 2019. The organization is ridiculously understaffed, which means that if it were to inspect all workplaces in the state of Arkansas, it would take more than three centuries to complete the task. However, the good news is that OSHA can inspect all workplaces in Arizona in just 258 years. 


  • Driving On Less Than Five Hours Of Sleep Is As Dangerous As Drunk Driving


A recent study has found that anyone who is driving after a night of 4 or 5 hours of sleep, is as likely to make a fatal mistake as someone who is intoxicated. So sleepless nights put a person at the same risk as drinking but without any gratification. 


  • Forklifts Injure More People Than Snakes


According to the CDC, 7000 or 8000 Americans are bitten by snakes every year. While those reptilian creatures are extremely dangerous, the serious injuries caused by forklift stand at 35000 per year according to OSHA. This makes these dorky machines more dangerous than slithering reptiles with poisonous fangs.


Statistics That Will Alarm You


The numbers related to safety can often be incredibly worrisome. Here are some statistics that show that safety is a serious matter.


  • Costa Rica Has The Highest Work-Related Injuries In The World


In Costa Rica, the number of non-fatal work injuries per 100,000 workers is 9,421. In Argentina, which is second, the same number is 3,587. The country also leads in fatal workplace accidents with 9.7 deaths per 100,000 workers. Again, Argentina in second place has 3.3 deaths per 100,000 workers. The numbers show that Costa Rica is almost three times as dangerous for workers as the second-worst country in the list. This isn’t just concerning, it’s alarming to an unparalleled degree.


  • Roofers Have The 3rd Deadliest Job In The World


Turns out that working in mines or rescuing people from burning buildings is not as dangerous as working roofs. Roofers, who repair, replace and install roofs of buildings have, according to some estimates, the third deadliest job in the world.  According to the National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries report, in 2019, roofers were involved in 111 out of 5,333 fatal workplace accidents. This increase is particularly worrisome, given that in the previous year, the roofing industry already had a high fatality rate of 51.5 per 100,000 workers. This places this job among the most hazardous occupations.


  • 2.8 Million Workplace Injuries & Illnesses Were Reported In 2022


In 2022, private employers in the United States reported 2.8 million non-fatal injuries and illnesses at worksites. This was a 7.5% increase from the previous year. The increase in illnesses is attributed to the rise in respiratory illness, which increased by 35.4% in the year. Even though 2022 was the year when economic activity picked up after a devastating pandemic, these are still extremely alarming numbers.


  • Carpenters Have The Safest Construction Jobs


When it comes to construction sites, carpenters are least likely to become casualties during a workplace accident. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, carpenters experience 6.7 fatalities per 100,000 workers, which is the lowest among construction workers. Since this statistic is not alarming, there must be something right that carpenters must be doing when it comes to occupational safety.


  • Injuries Related To Overexertion At The Workplace Are The Costliest


Workers experiencing injuries and strains while lifting heavy weights cost businesses $12.84 a year. Most of the accidents related to overexertion happen because workers don’t have access to equipment that can assist in lifting heavy objects. Falls on the same level, where workers experience injuries due to slippery material is second costliest at $8.9 billion. Meanwhile, “fall to lower levels” is third, where workers falling from ladders and higher surfaces cost $6.09 billion to workplaces.

Start Your Journey Towards Safety


Workplace safety shouldn’t be taken lightly; it is literally a matter of life and death. The purpose of these safety fun facts is to bring awareness to this critical issue. So if you don’t want to become a number in these statistics, you shouldn’t delay enrolling in OSHA safety training. 


OSHA Education School is committed to making factories, construction sites, warehouses and other environments safer. We offer courses like OSHA 10-Hour Construction and OSHA 30-Hour Construction at cost-efficient prices for workers and businesses that wish to minimize accidents at workplaces.



US Bureau of Labor StatisticsInforgram, University of Tennessee, OSHA, CDC, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Statista, DovePress, OSHA.Gov ILOSTAT, BLS 2019, Liberty Mutual